
For the Republic
To my extreme surprise, Earth and Beyond actually works on my PC at school! That's gotta be the only great thing I can say about the online service here. So, given the fact me and some of the guys (started by Nathan) are going to make a guild, I wanted to get my "space legs" again.

I started up an old character, a level 25 Progen Sentinel.


The place had absolutely fallen apart! Only in an in-character sense, of course, but the "alien problem" I'd gotten used to dealing with a few months back has apparently spread into a full-scale invasion! Praetorium Mons has fallen! I used to get missions there! In fact, that's where I picked up my first (and last) missile launcher. Centuriata warriors have fallen in droves, and even the massive might of the Progen Republic canoot stand up to the invaders!

So I started over as a Terran Tradesman. War is good for business. The Net-7 news updates still give me pause, though, whenever they tell about the fate of some warrior on the fringe of space. Amah! I knew you were up to no good, I knew it!