
A new world order

If you read this at 11:18PM PDT, then I'm coming to you live from my new shag pad in downtown Portland. Lord be praised, the move was not nearly as painful as it could've been. It only took about three hours and two trips to move in almost all of my stuff on Sunday, and only one trip for Andy on Monday. We spent most of Monday and what of yesterday I was home getting furniture arranged and fun stuff like that.

There are still some boxes and bags sitting around, but most of our gear is as unpacked as it's going to get. Now we just need to throw away the huge pile of garbage we accumulated in the process. It's interesting to note that we got almost three complete kitchen sets between Andy's and my stuff. That means that I have three sets of measuring cups, three pizza slicers, and three sets to pots and pans. Naturally, most of that is going to remain pretty much unused since the amount of "cooking" we normally do consists of heating pre-cooked entrees in the microwave.

It's interesting to note that Andy and I have barely seen each other for the past 36 hours, since he worked all night last night, and will do the same tonight, and I worked the late shift today. Meaning, even when we are here together one of us is sleeping. It's not like we're both needed here at any one time for most events, it's not like an RPG where you need the fighter and the healer to completement each other's skills.

Hopefully I'll be able to upload some pictures later. The view from our roof garden is a pretty spectacular vista of downtown Portland and the park blocks.