Brad sets mode: +tired
In slightly over 12 hours, I will be on an Alaska Airlines flight
heading, ironically, south to Orange County, California. On an
unrelated note, I am very tired.
Made with some more Ars Magica last night. I really like a lot of
things about the system, but there are a few things that irk me just a
little bit. For one thing, the suggested difficulties in the game seem
a little too low, even for beginning characters. A "difficult" task
might require a roll of 9+ on 1d10 + ability + skill, which for a new
character might be 2-11 for a rare skill like Enigmatic Wisdom, to 6-16
for a more common skill like Awareness. The end result is that
most beginning character can accomplish difficult tasks about 70% of
the time, which just seems too high to me. Maybe others will disagree.
I started using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX at work today, in my
continuing quest to find an editor that doesn't suck at modifying the
company intraweb page. My search is complicated by the fact that I know
very, very little about ASP, VBscript, or Javascript. Furthermore, the
guy who did this stuff before wrote everything in a fashion similar to
writing a novel, but only publishing it in chapter-long segments which
are then rubber-banded together in no particular order. If anyone knows
about this stuff, then consider this a big HELP NEEDED sign.
I'm bringing my laptop with me down to Disneyland, and I've been told
that we're going to have a nice phat pipe coming into our room, so
hopefully I'll be able to continue posting and answering emails on-site.
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