
Easter + Catholics = weird
Easter used to be a fairly straightforward holiday, both in concept and execution. However, when Catholics enter the equation, things get weird. As with many things, actually. It's ironic that spending so much time in close proximity to them lowers my opinion of Catholics in general (not necessarily Catholicism, however). They're just incredibly devout and pious about the most obscure things and they slack off on the most common things. Am I the only one who notices this pattern?

Actually, Easter was fun. I was home all weekend (we got Good Friday off), so today me and the family took off to my aunt's house in senic Camas, Washington. To be honest, I don't like Washington much. Even though I've been doing it for years, I still hate driving around Vancouver and the surrounding area. The roads are twisty and irregular, and there's not really a direct way to get anywhere from anywhere else. I feel the same way about the west side of Portland, too. Growing up in the east side probably spoiled me; the nice square blocks and informative house numbers are just not a system most cities feel like executing.

I blew through Clan of the Cave Bear's 400 pages in about four days. The book was really good, and it was obvious that Jean Auel knew what she was talking about. It was especially noticable when she was discussing medicine and herbs, a topic which came up a lot considering the main character's status as "medicine woman." There was a bit of a feminist tone to a few sections of the book, but it wasn't quite as bad as I was expecting. I planned to go on to Borderlands of Science next, but turns out that it's not really a book to read through cover to cover. Rather, it's most interesting to go to the particular sections that interest you: spaceflight, chemisty, relativity, whatever. Instead, Hart's Hope. We'll see.