
I never wrote about it, but I saw The Passion of the Christ the afternoon it came out. I went in with fairly high expectations, and it delivered. Granted, you have to approach it from a certain standpoint to fully appreciate it. For one thing, it's extremely violent. In fact, the scene (rather, the section of the movie) where Jesus is scourged is probably the most graphic torture scene ever to show up on the big screen. A second point: the focus of the movie is very narrow. It's not like the Jesus Film, showing his entire life or even a good part of his ministry. It shows only the last twelve hours of his life, with special emphasis on the last few of those hours. The producers obviously assume that you know how the story goes up to that point.

However, the shocking (though admittedly realistic) brutality visited upon Jesus really brings home the sacrifice that he made. Even knowing that it would bring eternal happiness for all people, I really doubt I could let myself go through with that. The end result is that a very human face is put on Jesus, who we typically thing of as a detached figure lecturing the people of Earth from on high. We tend to forget that, in addition to being all God, he was all man as well.

Regardless of your current religious orientation, I would encourage you to go see this movie, or at least rent it. I can guarantee that it'll at least get you thinking.