
Got nothin
Man, I'm AFK for a couple of days and people go all crazy...jeez. 94 comments, though. That's well over twice my previous record. People do like to talk.

For me, spring break has come and gone. Naturally, given the bass-akwardness of UP in general, our break didn't so much as overlap with anyone else's, meaning that the part of the week I didn't spend working I spent at home, except for a few small excursions. Though hardly exciting, I needed the rest, so no complaints.

Yay, controversy! I loved this article. "Ohio evolution lesson plan irks science groups." Interesting by itself, but even more so when it turns out in the body of the article that it was in fact no irking science groups at all, but the parents and teachers. For those of you too lazy to read the article, I'll explain: apparently biology cirriculum for an Ohio school district has a section on evolution which includes the theory of "intelligent design" as a possible alternative theory. Perhaps some of you who know me will understand why I find this quote ironic: "I am convinced this is a religious effort cloaked as science." I've been saying the same thing for years, about evolution. I would just as soon this not turn into a repeat of our last gaggle of comments, but I am interested in what everybody thinks,

No, I don't plan on making a habit of introducing these kinds of topics; you guys just got lucky this time.