
Wartime Emergency Powers Act
I wish I had one of those. Despite my lack of such emergency powers, however, I found this link quite interesting. Even though I'm depressed that Star Trek has become so dumb, a lot of the old-school stuff is still quite enjoyable. This particular bit of backstory is something that wasn't ever really discussed, so it's cool to see such an obscure area of the canon given such detailed, and qualified, attention.

Easter is coming up, which I know means just everything to most of you out in readerland. However, one of the advantages in attending a Catholic school is that they feel it's necessary to give us Good Friday off (even if Labor Day wasn't quite "good" enough for them). That means that I get an extra day to relax before putting the final burst of effort out to get me through the end of the semester. Yay.

I think quite possibly the only good thing about cybersex is that we occasionally get little tasty morsels like this .

I was recently discussing the Xbox with a friend when another guy I thought I knew pretty well comes up and says, "Dude, you have an Xbox? We need to get Linux on that!" I just about gagged on my Dr. Pepper. I knew those people existed, but I was quite disturbed to learn that I had been close to their polluting essence for almost a year! It's disgusting. Naturally, he didn't find this Penny Arcade comic too humorous. Man, I've got to be more careful who I'm talking to. Background checks or something, I don't know.