
The sky comes down
I'm working once again at Hi-School Pharmacy. A lot's changed, actually; most of the department office has been rearranged, some of our servers have been switched around (Battlehammer is now Trinity, for instance. Go figure). The most striking thing is, being in the corporate office is like being on a sinking ship: you can tell the people are scrambling to get off. The corporation isn't actually doing that badly, but the owner is selling off large portions and automating others, including the computer department. Most of the old-time computer guys are in the process of leaving, too. It's kind of depressing, and I doubt I'll be able to work there this summer. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing.

This makes me glad I don't work in retail. Or at least, retail where physically beating customers is discouraged. It's like The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, where the dumb, annoying, and incompetent get spaced, and everybody else lives happily ever after.