
My universe is pain and emptiness
Well, that's a slight exaggeration, but it's real easy to feel that way after walking out of one of Dr. R. Smit's famous "rape you up the ass" math exams. Unfortunately, the exam was set up so that if you knew exactly what you were doing, did everything right the first time, and worked at a reasonable pace, you could finish the exam in about 45 minutes. The class session was 55 minutes. And I didn't do everything right the first time. You armchair philosophers out there should be able to see the inevitable conclusion: I ran up against the time limit. Fortunately, being crafty like the fox, I anticipated this and compensated by hauling ass through the entire exams. I probably didn't do that great (par for the course) but I may have just been saved by the "set up but do not evaluate" problems.

Am I the only one who hates writing assignments where you have to write about yourself? I consider myself a fairly normal person in most respects, or at least able to fake it decently, but that doesn't make me interesting. My assignment in my advanced composition class is to "write about a dramatic scene in your own life." It's supposed to be a time when we felt strong emotion about something, or when something profound happened, or something like that. I have had situations like that, but the only times I've felt really strong, literary type emotions were during times of my life when things were happening I'd just as soon not have my entire class know about. You can see my dilemma. Do I make something up and pretend that it's real, or do I take the traditional route and just exaggerate?

Hot damn. Finally.


Considering it burns
I just downloaded Mozilla's new Firefox browser. I rather like it, it seems to solve a lot of some of Mozilla's annoying issues. It's fast, and it doesn't gradually destabilize if you keep the program running. I then proceeded to conduct my semi-annual eBay search for West End Games (d6) Star Wars RPG material. ebay would be much more fun without bid-sniping services, I tell you what. Finally, the Painkiller demo. Quite possibly the most shallow game experience in recent memory, it's redeemed by the fact that killing zombies with stakes is outrageous fun. The demo is quite worth the half hour it takes to download.

And that was your whirlwind tour of my day. Please exit to the left.
The Light Side is for pansies
Yeah, that's right. You got nothin'.

Created characters for a new Tuesday evenings Exalted* game. I played a stealthy assassin, which I've always thought is a cool concept, but difficult to pull off. They've just got this niche, see, and they're not very useful outside it. Take Garret, for example, from Thief. He's all stealthy, and he's got all these crazy arrows, but if the guards see you, they can run you through like a barbecued ham without too much trouble. I think I had a point, but it became a casualty of conversation. Ah well.

I'm looking forward to this summer. No kidding, you say, but I really look forward to having time to actually start writing down all these stories that have been percolating through my brain. Also, I desperately want to start/continue my Star Wars Sith campaign. Being evil is so much more fun when you have the Force. It just is.

Charles has a blog now. Join with usas we sigh a huge, collective sigh of relief. Add a comments page,
Charles, and hurry!

Finally, a Cool Moment(tm): the printer in the study room by my dorm ran out of paper when I was trying to print something. It actually said "PC LOAD LETTER." What the fuck does that mean? If you don't get the reference, shame on you.

*Notice on the sidebar: RPG Games. That's White Wolf for you.


Tech Support Woes
I hate being on the other side of the fence. Why Bradtop works at home, and in the computer lab, but not in my dorm room only CTS knows. It doesn't matter much, but I still fully intend to complain. There's no excuse for ignoring the problem when it's so easy to at least say, "You're SOL."

For those of you who haven't played the UT2k4 demo, there's no excuse. No, not even that one.

Odd...it's been so long since my last update, and I really have nothing to say. I've been really busy of late, and you probably don't care much to hear about schoolwork, so don't complain. If you were, I mean. If not, then disregard.

I appreciate your comments on the color scheme, and I'll probably end up changing it at some point, once the following two criteria are met: first, decide on new colors, second, have time. I'll let you know.

The Uplift War is done, so now I'm reading The Sword of Shannara. Good book, for you fantasy types out there.


Xerxes won't like this. Not one bit
Three days ago, I got KotOR for PC. My Xbox is notoriously unrealiable, and anyway, I wanted to be able to play at school. I should've realized that I was getting into. I've done very little real work since I've started playing, apart from going to class. On the other hand, I just reached the point in the game with that particularly mind-shattering plot twist. Those BioWare folks, they can make them an RPG but good. On a related note, has anybody played through that game as a female? I'd be interested in hearing how the various romance-induced plot movements are carried out, since I'm pretty sure just making her a lesbian wouldn't cut it.

On an unrelated note, any thoughts on the site's color scheme? Do you like it, or is it starting to get a bit old?


This sucks
This week has probably been my hardest ever, school-wise, hence the lack of updates. One of these days, my astounding laziness and procrastination abilities are gonna get me killed, I just know it. Anyway, I'll post something substantive tomorrow, I promise. Also, I've read two and a half books in the last week. That's pretty good for me.